YerRoil Madge IceTea’s 2022 Easter Address
Humour | April 16th, 2022 | By John Mawdsley
It is interesting to look at how others might use Rap (and injecting the words sh*t, f**k and motherf**ker) to voice how they really feel, not some polite and well-considered words. What might have been in Queen Elizabeth’s mind as she prepared for her 2022 Easter address? There are some things that she might think but never say out loud.
Stage Name: YerRoil Madge IceTea
Song: QueenEee-Stir Madness
Yo, loyal subjects, warmest greetings, as is tradition
On another Easter, but one of massive imperfection
Please God, bless those of the Christian Religion,
who celebrate Christ’s resurrection
For Judaism it is the Passover celebration;
The exodus from slavery in the Egyptian nation
Muslims observe Ramadan, which is commemoration
of Muhammad’s first revelation
Forgive me (I hasten) if I missed any religion,
Or said anything sacrilegious
To any faith or anyone religious
I just need further education,
Not cancellation
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
As YerRoil Madge IceTea
You may chastise me
But recently, I’m feelin’ kinda feisty
Even though I am way over ninety,
I shout loudly, “bite me!”
To that autocratic little Russian,
With his criminal invasion
Of Soviet-like ambition
He kills thousands in Mariupol city
Why? To compensate for his massive inferiority
He deserves punishment of capital severity
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Easter is normally a time of celebration,
But in addition to growing Corona infection
We are rightly consumed by this war in the Ukrainian Nation
Started by that fuckin’ little Russian who needed an invasion
He compares himself to Peter the Great … a misconception!
More like “Vladimir the Inferior” is my evaluation
Who should get torture and incarceration
Even better, gimme the nuclear codes
And I will deliver a few loads
Provide him an atomization!
Sigh … If only his parents had used contraception
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Although I admit, with contrition
There is really no justification
For our historical acts of colonization
Which were clearly discrimination
Truly an act of oppression
And arrogantly brazen
But it did all happen before my coronation
Also, when was British emancipation?
We need to talk about reparations
“Never again” we have said somberly
But conversely, the planet is falling into moral poverty
Some say, “Cancel the monarchy!”
But what about Vladimir the Inferior and his little oligarchy?
And that previous motherfuckin’ narcissist U.S. president,
An autocratic friend of the little Russian, that is self-evident
That orange liar had no integrity
Another term and his presidency
will morph into autocracy!
More in 2024? I can’t take anymore
If that happens, I will wish, with hostility
That the U.S. was still a colony
And I could say, “You’re Fired!” to that chump
I can’t even say his name, but it rhymes with chump
And totally lose my shit on Vladimir the Inferior
A nuclear bomb I would dump
Or put a triple-dose of Novichok in his vodka crock
Oh dear, I sound like an old grump
But those two fuckin’ autocratic lumps
Can kiss this Madge IceTea’s 96-year-old rump
Vladimir the Inferior
And the narcissistic chump
Vladimir the Inferior
And the narcissistic chump
Kiss this Roil Madge IceTea’s Rump